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Visit EZ TIE Online!Local: 931.510.2620More Information
4102 Aspen Dr
Cookeville, TN 38501
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EZ TIE offers:

  • Balloons
    • Balloon Accessories
      • Balloon Ties
    • Balloon Equipment
  • Party Supplies & Accessories
    • Balloons
      • Balloon Tying Device
    • Decorations
    • Equipment
  • Wedding Supplies
    • Balloons
    • Decorations
    • Equipment - Supplies
End the Annoying and Time Consuming Task of Tying Dozens, or Even Hundreds of Balloons for
Parties, Weddings, and Other Special Occassions.

Tie-A-Balloon allows you to quickly and easily tie many balloons without the pinching
and fighting required to get a balloon tied without letting the air out.

Tying balloons becomes an easy and painless experience with this simple, yet extremely effective and affordable tool. Tie hundreds, even thousands of balloons in a fraction of the time it takes to do it the old fashioned way.
Watch the videos, Tie-A-Balloon Works!

Ribbon Tie-A-Balloon




Tie-A-Balloon is an absolute must for office parties, birthdays, fund raisers--anywhere you need to tie lots of balloons quickly and easily.

Party Shop owners buy now and start saving time and money (and your fingers!) with Tie-A-Balloon,
the fastest most efficient way to tie a balloon.


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