Proudly Made in the USA · Proven Repeat Sales · Great Margins
Scrigit® —the essential scraper tool
- Retail sales of cleaning products continue to be in high demand. Since the launch of the original (blue) Scrigit®, rave reviews and repeat sales have proven how much consumers and retailers alike love this great product with the funny name. Once they start using it, they can’t stop—it’s virtually Scrigit® Mania!
- Scrigit® scrapers are so versatile, reaching both narrow and wide areas without damaging surfaces. Angled tips clean and reach into tight grooves and spaces like no other product. It works so well,
Scrigit® won the Better Homes and Garden’s Clean House Award! - Scrigit® scrapers are in stock and ready to ship!

Features and Highlights include
- Safe to use on most surfaces
- Won’t scratch surfaces like metal tools
- Each Scrigit® has two types of tips – round and flat
- Women love Scrigit® – Keeps nails from breaking
- Colorful, eye-catching packaging
- Proven repeat sales
- Proudly made in the USA!
- Popular for gifts and gift baskets

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