Perhaps you are a business man? A data analyst? An artisan? A jewelry maker? A shoe maker? A pet lover? A chef? A writer? An artist? A basket weaver?
The fact is—we all come from different places, do different things, create different resources, and work in a world that allows all of us lead different roles in our lives! So here at FGmarket, we want to know—WHAT INSPIRES YOU?
What inspired your start your business? What inspired you to create that masterpiece? What inspired you to do what you do best?
Was it a moving moment in your life where you just realized your life’s purpose? Was it a legacy left behind by your ancestors? Was it a beautiful sunset?
Did you always know what you were going to do? What lead you to this point?
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We want to know! You are our voice, and we want to know what inspires you?
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