For most people, a simple greeting card, with a cute design and nice saying, is plenty to satisfy them, as well as the people they are giving the cards to. But for others, a little more is necessary. Something that will grab people’s attention, and make them want to display their cards for more than just a week or two.
ThunderBay Creations, Inc. has found a way to make greeting cards that are both interesting, beautiful, and just begging to be displayed in a home or business! They’re committed to making the most unique greeting cards on the market.
ShadowBox Display Cards
ThunderBay Creations, Inc. has innovated a wonderful product called the ShadowBox Display Cards. These cards aren’t your average run-of-the-mill card that’s read, appreciated, and then thrown away right after. ShadowBox Cards are meant to be enjoyed for a long time!
Unlike a lot of greeting cards, ShadowBox Display Cards have more than one image included in them. They also include a fun or inspiring message, but what sets them apart is the 3D image or gift that also comes with the cards, and strengthens the message. To make them more easily displayable, ShadowBox Cards fold into an easel so the card can be displayed anywhere in a customer’s home or office! In only a few simple steps, the ShadowBox Card transforms into a beautiful displayable card.
Cards For All
ThunderBay Creations’ greeting cards, like many greeting cards, covers a wide variety of interests and occasions, such as birthdays, Mother’s Day, the birth of a child, thank you cards, and romantic cards!
Each of these themed cards comes with its own unique gift, that fits the theme of the card. For example, the Mother’s Heart card comes with a heart shaped pendant, and the Memories of Fishing Father’s Day card comes with a real medium depth rattle fishing lure!
For customers looking for Valentine’s Day gifts, supply them with access to ShadowBox Display Cards! The Together Forever card is the perfect Valentine’s Day card, and features a silver lock and key, and a gold lock and key for each partner in the relationship. Perfect for two people in love!
ThunderBay Creations, Inc. has innovated a fantastic new way to give greeting cards to people. Check out their ShadowBox Display Cards, to give customers a new way to show they care!
To see how to set up the display card, check out ThunderBay Creations’ helpful video!
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