Finding products for your store is an everyday task. You want to find wonderful products that will make a statement and be useful for many different things. One great product to look at is basket lines. Baskets are useful for so many different things for you and your customers. However, with so many different wholesale lines, which one do you choose? Well, one wholesale supplier that will always satisfy is Texas Basket Co.
Their earliest baskets were made for harvesting, transporting and storing fruits and vegetables. Now, they produce several hundred different sizes, types and colors of products and produce over 15,000 items a day. So, what type of baskets do they actually produce?You’ll find fruit and vegetable baskets, apple baskets, hand woven peach and lettuce baskets, nursery baskets, display racks, handmade and special shaped baskets and even tins. Quality materials plus volume production assures you great quality baskets at wonderful prices.
There are so many uses for baskets, such as creating wonderful gift baskets, using them for plants or flowers and just displaying them around the home for storage and decorative pieces. Use their unique fruit, vegetable, peach, lettuce or berries baskets for actual fruit displays or even put plants or flowers in them for a beautiful piece outside.
Your customers will love both of these and love finding this at your store, especially if you’re a florist. They make wonderful gifts and arrangements to place around the home.
However, if you’re a gift shop, there are plenty of uses for these baskets in your store too. Their beautiful wooden trays, wine bottle carrier basket, watering can basket in a colorful orange, crates, large baseball tins and a pumpkin basket.
All are wonderful baskets for anything that your customers would like to use them for. They even offer paint & stain colors, gift basket supplies and even display racks. Your customers can use them for wonderful storage, like placing their blankets or even pet’s toys in them or fill them with items like gourmet food or gardening accessories to create lovely gift baskets.
There are so many wonderful uses for their quality baskets that Texas Basket Co. will become an essential line in your store. You’ll find so many uses for these baskets that will truly please all of your customers.
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