There are various marketing tactics you stick with for your business. However, do you focus on local marketing enough within your strategy? It’s so important to get the word out to your target market that surrounds you. FGmarket’s weekly marketing tip is going to focus on local marketing and how you can better implement it within your business.
Next. spread the word on other local directories. Yahoo and Bing have their own platforms as well. You can also go on Yellowpages, InsiderPages or These websites truly have many visitors each month, so they are all good places to be found.
Also, featuring reviews on these websites doesn’t hurt either. Ask your loyal customers to place reviews on local directories. You can also advertise it on your business cards or social media pages. Don’t forget, if you receive any bad reviews, it’s always nice to respond. This shows potential consumers you’re professional and only want Continue reading “Marketing Tip of the Week – Local Marketing” »