You can only take yourself so far, the rest is up to the customers. Advertising and promoting your business can take you far, but the rest is up to word of mouth that your customers provide you. Therefore, you must treat your customers to A+ customer service! Doing so will keep your customers coming back and spreading the word to their friends. You’ll have a growing community with the help of word of mouth. So, this week’s marketing tip is featured of how you can make sure that word of mouth is positive.
Let Them Be The Testers: Ask them to try your products. They feel like they are apart of your store. Customers will feel as though they help pick out different products and mainly feel included. Plus, your customers are the people who actually buy your products. Ask them if it’s something that they would be interested in, give a sample to see if it is what they expected and let them give feedback to you. If your product isn’t any good, they will tell you. However, you could have a fabulous product on your hand and they will be ecstatic that you are offering it to them.
Ask For Feedback: Keep a customer database to keep file of what your customers bought and how much they’ve spent in your store. It not only helps with returns, but helps keep track of how much they shop and what they’ve bought. When that customer comes back, ask them how their last store visit went and how they liked their product. Your customers will feel like they have valuable input.
Extended Family: Treat your VIP customers as an insider to your company. Let them know that you will be having sales and promotions during this weekend ahead of time, new products that you saw at market or when your Spring shipment will be arriving. If your customers spend a lot of time and money in your store, then they are your VIP customers. Therefore, you should treat them like that. Feeling like they are apart of your store’s extended family will make them feel good and want to spread the word so their friends can feel like that too.
Number One Customer Service: The key to generating good word of mouth is customer service. Even if you’re not working towards Continue reading “Marketing Tip Of The Week: Generating Word Of Mouth” »