Ever feel like your dog deserves a gourmet treat? Even if this thought hasn’t crossed your mind, it has definitely crossed the mind of some of your more refined pet-loving patrons. To appeal to their unique need, bookmark it or dog-ear it but run over to Smokey’s DogHouse Treats. These happy homemade dog treats are more than enough to bark home about.
In fact, it’s hard to think of a reason not to love Smokey’s DogHouse Treats. With a moniker like BARKscotti “the biscotti for dogs”™ how could you not want to try those out? Well, not eat them so much as watch the reaction that pampered pooches have to gourmet dog treats. Flavors like Orange Cranberry, Peanut Butter Carob Chip and Carob will have even the most sophisticated pet palate yapping for more.Smokey’s DogHouse Bones are also delicious (or so many dogs seem to say). The dogs that eat these gourmet dog treats will think that they are getting spoiled. Why? Because they are! Especially with flavors like Molasses, Orange Cranberry, Peanut Butter Carob Chip, and Carob. Even puppies get a sweet tooth occasionally. These treats are perfect for saying “good job,” “great trick!” “I love you” and whatever other sentiment a special dog owner might need to express to their beloved buddy.
Gourmet dog treats are fun additions to your gourmet food line but satisfying an untapped niche isn’t the only reason to visit Smokey’s DogHouse Treats. Continue reading “These Treats Make It Good To Be In The Doghouse” »