So, you’ve decided to write your very first blog post. Where do you start? How do you write something that’s easy for your readers to digest, and won’t take up too much of their precious time?
Blog readability relies on formatting your blog posts correctly and making important info stand out to your readers.
Here are a few quick tips to better format your blog post, and make it as effective as possible.
Headings are larger bits of text that break your blog post up into key points and specific information.
That large, bold text that you see above these first two sentences? That’s a heading.
Headings help to inform your customers about which topic they are about to read through, and it also makes your blog posts much easier to skim through.
For example, if I’m looking for organic soap in a blog post about all the soaps you have to offer, I’m going to skim your blog post looking for the word “Organic.” If I see that word on a line of its own, bolder and bigger than the rest of the text, I’m going to read that section of your blog post first.
Short Sentences
Shorter sentences are preferable to longer sentences.
It’s much easier to digest information when it’s in bite-sized pieces.
Longer sentences are harder to skim through, and often lose your audience’s interest before they get to the end of it.
Why use lists? Here are a few reasons they’re awesome.
- Lists are much easier to skim through.
- They are easy to make.
- They help you to break out bits of info that you really want people to understand.
- No one wants to have to search through long blog posts, or big paragraphs, for the information they want.
Bold & Italics
Bold and Italicized information are two great ways to make important words stand out to your readers.
Just make sure you don’t make the mistake of bolding and capitalizing your info. YOU’LL LOOK LIKE YOU’RE YELLING AT YOUR READERS.
Same thing with italicized info. Don’t italicize all of it, only the most important info.
Links are important. Not only for backing up any information or studies you might cite in your blog post, but they also help build your network of sources. Some of those sources you link in your blog post might reach out to you for further collaboration.
People love to visualize information. Walls of black and white text on a page can seem intimidating to many readers.
It’s better for your readers’ sanity, and for the design of your blog post (yes, blog posts can have design and artistry to them) if you break up those long blog posts with some interesting images.
Follow these simple steps, and make your blog “pop” with an easy to read and vibrant design!