If you’re into marketing, you have definitely heard of content marketing. You should get the basis of what it is and what it can do for your company. It’s important you understand what it is and how to create good content within your marketing. It can make all the difference in the world for your business. Here are what some marketing experts had to say about content marketing.
Sonia Simone via Copyblogger – To make content work, you need to understand your marketing and business goals. Then you can create content that serves those goals, instead of just giving your audience something to pass the time.
Your blog posts, email marketing, special reports, podcasts, advertising … all of it needs to fit into a larger picture.
Now if you blog purely for creative self expression, go ahead and write as the spirit moves you.
But if you’re using content to market a business, you need a strategic framework so you can get the most out of your time and hard work.
Brian Solis – Attention is finite and the competition for it is only escalating. But to entice and capture attention will take more than a new content strategy and a supporting editorial calendar. It will take a new mission, purpose, and culture to unlock experiences and pave engaging journeys through content.
Do you have content marketing? How do you make yours stand out and actually help your business?