If your customers are constantly looking for great floral accessories and designer home decor, then turn their direction toward Garden State Foliage, LLC.
This company specializes in floral accessories, pines cones, stems, designer branches, natural home decor and seasonal holiday items. Based in Farmingdale, New Jersey, Garden State Foliage’s products are showcased in almost every continent, including North and South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Asia.
Floral Accessories
This company carries all kinds of floral accessories, including bamboo reed, cattails, eucalyptus leaves, moss items, a variety of twigs and branches, exotic plants and much more.
These products range in variety from authentic and life-like looking vegetation, to modern style floral accessories, including glittered, metallic, and multi-colored plants.
Pine Cones
If your customers are looking for woodland decorations to accent the home or garden, Garden State also has many different kinds of decorated pine cones.
Their pine cones are available in many varieties, including Jersey cones, Austriaca cones, Loblolly cones, Slash cones, Coulter cones, and Sugar cones. And they can also be purchased with different textures and patterns added to them, like frosted, glittered, painted, and painted & glittered.
The pine cones available from this company are as authentic as they come, and your customers won’t be able to tell the difference in real cones and artificial ones! They can also be bought in variety bags, if you’re not quite sure what types of cones you need.
Holiday Decorations
The holidays are coming up quickly, and that means holiday decorating. If your customers are looking for Thanksgiving or Christmas decorations, check out Garden State Foliage’s seasonal designs.
From angel strands to fur trimmed animals, you customers can find the holiday decorations they are looking for this Christmas.
You can’t go wrong with Garden State Foliage, LLC‘s great variety of floral accessories and holiday decor!