Warning: Tape Swell packing tape is so fun that you may face the urge to stay late at work on the first day using it.
Why does everyone love TapeSwell? Because it tapes well, that’s why!! TapeSwell has what they describe as “practical. pretty. tape.” and there’s really not a better or more accurate description. Between their envelope tape, wrap around tape, mailing label tape and combo packs, you’re looking at a world full of fun moments sticking tape to whatever seems even mildly appropriate.Forget what you know about other brand name packing tape because it doesn’t compare. You don’t have to worry about TapeSwell decorative packing tape falling off. You don’t worry about it staying on just long enough to be annoying when it finally wears out. All that TapeSwell packing tape users have to worry about is that irresistible urge to tape everything. From making it easy to address packages to revamping old boxes and decorations, there’s always something to do with Tape Swell decorative packing tape. Anyone who picks up a roll finds this out very quickly.
Of course, packing tape to most people is more than just functional. It also has to be appropriate for the task. You wouldn’t put Duct Tape on an expensive black leather couch. You wouldn’t use Scotch Tape® to piece together a priceless vase. You wouldn’t use TapeSwell packing tape for anything less than an awe-inspiring revival of boring pieces in the home and office.
TapeSwell can be used in a variety of ways. Here are just a few of the ways that TapeSwell accelerates life into a tape master’s dream: Continue reading “Tired of Ugly Packing Tape? Tape Swell Instead!” »