The coolest kids on the block always sport edgy infant apparel from Rebel Ink Baby. That’s all there is to it.
These trendy baby clothes definitely reflect the against-the-grain attitude of the parents. Infant tees with anthems like “Mommy’s little tax deduction,” “Party at my crib tonight 3am,” and “do I pass the sniff test?” get an A from parents who would rather let their babies run around al fresco than conform to the “girls wear pink and boys wear blue” mindset.Be ready for a wide range of reactions to these clever clothes. These baby clothes aren’t for the weak. These are toddler clothes and baby fashions for the parent with a rockstar lifestyle or a nontraditional attitude. These parents think outside of the box and want baby clothes that show that both parent and baby have a powerful but playful attitude. Know parents that fit that description? They need baby clothes from Rebel Ink Baby.
Non sequiturs rule the world of t-shirt slogans. Rebel Ink Baby is no different when it comes to what their baby shirts and fashions tout. “Rockstar,” “West Coast Strollers,” and “The Dog Did It” are some of the funny phrases that get these clothes a second and third look. Parents who want their children to have rockstar senses of humor from birth chuckle at these baby clothes and then take them off of the rack. They’re hilarious! Add the baby’s adorable factor to the humor of the clothes and you have a winning combination.
If there were ever a brand of wholesale baby clothes for the rock god mom and dad, Rebel Ink Baby is it. Just shy of a baby tattoo, these edgy baby clothes complete the look for every Rock Star baby. They get a laugh from parents with non-traditional attitudes. Plus, the baby looks like a million bucks earned on stage in front of a screaming crowd of people. Attention and humor? That’s Rebel Ink Baby.