Introduce your customers to quality fabrics from Motif Handmade!

In 1989, designer Jackie Corlett’s passion for handmade products and fabrics took her to Bangladesh. There, she created collaborations between designers and fair trade artisans to bring creativity and craft skills together for unique fabrics and finished goods. Jackie’s passion for bringing design and craft skills together got her hooked on fair trade, and Motif Handmade was born!
Motif Handmade strives to make sustainability the new norm. Some of their most popular products are fabrics that are handwoven with yarn recycled from garment factory scraps in Bangladesh. These fabrics are made with zero waste, no new dyes, near zero carbon, and are 100% fair trade. The artisans Motif Handmade partners with create and produce custom designs of sustainable fabrics and finished textile goods your customers will love.

The designers at Motif Handmade are creating new fabrics all the time, and the website is constantly updated with the latest products. They also offer a training course quarterly to sustainability conscious designers to equip them with the skills and confidence to design their own handwoven fabrics!
Artisans with Motif Handmade work on a number of ethical products, including fashion accessories, home textiles, leather goods, and more. Motif has decades of experience in design and production, and is ready to provide you with eco-friendly, beautiful fair trade products.
From fashion to interior design, if you work with Motif Handmade, you’re guaranteed a trusting, professional relationship!
Find out more about Motif Handmade at www.motifhandmade.com!
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