Do you remember looking at your grandmother’s cursive and thinking about how perfect it was? She was from an era where a hand-written note was the quintessential way to convey sentiments, thanks, and advice. Today, when everything has gone to impersonal emails and quick texting, there is still nothing that replaces a hand-written note in grandma’s fine script.
Personal Messages
Feel Good Photos by Sasha wants to bring back times when people wrote by hand and dropped their thoughts in the mailbox. Sasha is proud to offer photo note cards where you don’t have to write much to leave a huge impression. She has captured floral scenes and put them into collections so that the recipient is gifted twice; once when they see the beauty on the card, and again when they read your note.
Bringing Photos to Life
Sasha brings to life irises, roses, and wildflowers on these cards in collections of 8-3×5 note cards with coordinating colored envelopes. She also offers a whimsical fishing collection. Feel Good Photos also offers calendars with that same signature style that can be purchased with or without an easel frame.
Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Sasha has been taking photos from youth, capturing her surroundings using flashcubes, Polaroid’s and film. She now lives in Bozeman, Montana where undoubtedly some of her images come from. Sasha wants her products to elicit a “feel good feeling,” so her shop is amply named. The next time you want to encourage someone, do it with a Feel Good Photo product!
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