There are so many aspects to your store. You analyze every detail and try to figure out what’s best for your store to work efficiently and satisfy your customers. With that, you have needs and wants for your store. However, how do you determine between the two things? Well, FGmarket has found a quote that sums up wants and needs. See how you can apply this to your store.
Seth Godin – When people have their basic needs met, it’s not uncommon for wants to magically become needs. It’s our hardwired instinct to seek to fill unmet needs.
That pays off for any marketer that has persuaded his market that they need what he sells. It backfires when those ‘needs’ are seen for what they actually are–luxuries.
When you sell a want, you have to work harder, you must seduce the market, because wants are fickle, picky and not easily bullied.
Does this apply to your store? Do you, as a shop owner, have needs and wants? Of course you do. However, you must always determine between your wants and needs, for the most part.
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