All store owners want to increase sales and have their customers coming back for more. We are always looking for new and improved ideas, but why not revert back to some of the marketing tip basics we may be forgetting. Some store owners may not remember the importance of an add-on sale. However, they are truly important in increasing sales, right? Even if it’s just a $5 item, it’s still $5 more than the beginning.
Reverting back to the basics is always a great way to reinvent old ideas and turn them into something successful. Even a small add-on sale can do your store wonders.
Would You Like More With That?
Think about it, if someone purchases something electronic, don’t they have to have batteries? Normally they may want something to store their electronic device in too. If you sell gifts, customers may want a greeting card or cute gift wrap too.Most items have a companion that will go perfectly with with your customer’s purchase. The thing is, you have to ask. Don’t be afraid or nervous, all they have to do is say no.
Pay Attention!
The most important thing is that you’re aware of your surroundings and knowing your customers. Watch their movement and what they seem interested in. Of course, don’t be obvious. You can pay attention without being noticed and without scaring your customers. However, giving attention is the key ingredient when adding on a sale.
If you have no idea what they’re buying, how are you going to add-on to their sale? You’re not! You should know your store through and through so if you know exactly what your customers are buying, you can create a great compliment to their product.
Be Knowledgeable!
So once you’ve asked your customers if they would like that add-on sale, tell them why. Why would that extra product be beneficial to them? If there’s no reasoning behind it, there’s no sense in offering it. You have to be knowledgeable about each and every one of your products to provide customers with the customer service they deserve.
Give them good reasoning on why this product will make a great compliment to the product they’re already buying. Will it help their product last longer? Is it an extra feature that will make it better? Whatever it is, there has to be reasoning behind it. In order to add that ad-on sale, you have to be knowledgeable about everything in your store.
Some people may forget about add-on sales, but don’t forget about this key marketing strategy! Even though they may be something small, it will still help your sales in the end. Every little bit counts, right? The power of add-on sales is extremely great so pay attention and be knowledgeable!
Hope this was helpful! Until the next marketing tip, check out the latest news and wholesale vendors at FG Market.
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