Content marketing isn’t just about staying on top of and discussing industry trends. It’s often most effective when looking ahead at trends yet to come. But how do you predict the future? Fortunately, you don’t have to!
Seasonal Marketing
If any of your stock is seasonal, looking ahead is as easy as owning a calendar. The trick lies in actually doing it. It’s easy to focus our attention on the here-and-now and neglect what’s to come. But often looking ahead is as simple as understanding what your customers are going through now.
Are daily temperatures regularly over 90 degrees? A post extolling the cooler days of Fall to come, and the product you carry that works within that seasonal framework, works for the customer on multiple levels. They connect with the desire for cooler temperatures, and that helps them connect the product you’re showing them with those cooler temperatures. You effectively plant a seed that may not bear immediate fruit, but once the mercury drops your customer will remember.
Content marketing is predicated on you, the expert, passing on your industry knowledge to the customer. So be that expert, and let them know what’s next in line!
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