The fun starts here with the best board games by Do Tell Enterprises. These games are perfect for family night or as a great party activity! If your consumers are looking for a unique board game that will cause them to laugh until they cry, then look no further! This fun and thought-provoking game creates and strengthens relationships between family members, friends, significant others, and even strangers.
Are you looking for educational and fun kids board games? Then Do Tell’s board game is just what you need! Are you looking for party ideas? Look no further! With two versions (family and original), their all purpose board games cater to the young, old and everyone in between.Having two versions of the same game allows consumers the opportunity to pick the game that best suits the players. This option makes the Do Tell board game an excellent choice for family game night, couples outings and even for parties.
Consumers planning a Christmas party, birthday party, children’s party or even looking for a bridal shower game, will find that this game entertains for hours. The activities invite players to open up, be silly and share their feelings. Do Tell board games also double as excellent educational games and therapeutic toys.
When venturing across the game board, players will encounter different cards calling them to action. Both versions of the Do Tell board game include the following action cards: do, tell, risk and wild. Each action invites the individual to demonstrate hidden talents, share information or discuss heated topics.
The original version includes an additional optional category called risk spicy. Participants wishing to engage in mature, adult humor can opt to include this card when playing. The content of the original version targets participants ages 16 +. The family version is for everyone ages 8-88, however, content is geared toward the 8-15 year old.
The clear choice in party planning activities is the board games created by Do Tell Enterprises. Action cards will prompt an hour of “rolling on the floor laughter”, as well as a deep insight into the personality and behavior of each player. Consumers looking for a unique and fun board game will not be disappointed with Do Tell.
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