At Bouchard Family Farms, buckwheat is used in all of their baking mixes, from flours to pancake mixes, and hearken back to a time when the plant was used to create delicious, and healthy baked goods!
What is Buckwheat?
Contrary to popular belief, buckwheat is not actually a grain, but an herb or fruit, very closely related to wild rhubarb. The word “buckwheat” comes from a Dutch word that means beech wheat, and refers to the fruit of the buckwheat, which resembles a tiny beech nut. This misnomer is what confuses people who hear about buckwheat. It also surprises those who don’t know that the buckwheat is naturally gluten free; which is contrary to most “wheats” and “grains.”
The buckwheat flour grown on the farm is used to make a traditional French Acadian flatbread known as a ploye. Their ployes are made from buckwheat flour, wheat flour, aluminum free baking powder and salt. Because of the specific ingredients used in ployes, they are both gluten free (thanks to the buckwheat flour) and also vegan friendly (no eggs, milk, or oils are used in the mix!)
Gluten free diets are becoming a popular and necessary restriction for many people, and your customers will love finding this option available in your store!
Buckwheat Pancakes
If your customers are pancake lovers (and I’m sure they are), they’ll love Bouchard Family Farms ployes mix. These mixes are perfect for pancakes, and are available in both an original and whole wheat buckwheat mix.
And if you’re looking to sell the perfect gift for cooks coming to your store, they have two gift packages available. The blueberry gift package includes a 24 oz. bag of regular ployes mix, another 24 oz. bag of whole wheat ployes mix, and a 10 oz. jar of original wild blueberry topping!
Their maple syrup gift package contains the same mixes as the blueberry package, but instead of blueberry topping, it includes a 8.45 oz. jar of pure maple syrup! It’s the perfect gift for flapjack fans!
Cookbooks For Chefs
And if your customers are really into baking and cooking their own foods, the farm also has cookbooks available. One of their most popular books is the French Acadian Cookbook, which contains original French Acadian recipes, gluten free buckwheat flour recipes, ploye mix recipes, and more! A history of the family farm, from its early start in the 1980s, is also included in the book.So, if your customers want gluten free, vegan friendly, and delicious baking mixes, they’ll find exactly what they need thanks to the family business at Bouchard Family Farms!
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