Ever wonder what your child is thinking? Wish you could get inside his or her head? ABC Feelings, Inc., founded by Alexandra Delis-Abrams, Ph.D., is dedicated to the emotional well-being of children and parents who long for a how-to manual for raising healthy, happy children. Through the use of award-winning books and products, ABC Feelings can put parents and children in touch with each other’s emotions, preparing the way for a healthy relationship for years to come.
Most parents have difficulty discussing children’s feelings. ABC Feelings empowers children and parents by providing the vocabulary and context to openly discuss emotions in a positive way. This healthy exchange solidifies bonds, builds self-confidence, and sets children up for future success and emotional well-being.
The ever-popular Feelings, Awareness Activity Flash Cards allows children to discuss emotions with other children or adults. By discussing children’s feelings, featured on 26 colorful cards, children and adults learn how to communicate with each other, as well as learn the art of true listening. The invaluable lessons learned in these exercises will serve both parents and children in their daily lives and relationships with one another.
Children will experience reduced stress and increased confidence as they explore their feelings and develop an active feelings vocabulary. The ABC Feelings Learning/Coloring Book allow children to express themselves through art while teaching them discover aspects of themselves. By learning to use words and therapeutic art to express themselves, children will experience lower stress levels and be less likely to act out in frustration.
Every child needs the opportunity to feel and communicate. ABC Feelings offers invaluable tools including childrens books and other creative supplies to help children and adults work together to manage emtions and live happy, healthy lives.
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