Never again will you have send a boring, mass-produced greeting card. With Birds on Things, you can send clever, hand drawn cards that show that you took extra time to send something special.
Artist McHanon is the son of a world-renown bird watcher, who inspired him to create cheeky art cards featuring birds in some unlikely situations, such as on the beach and at the dinner table. McHanon has managed to take everyday experiences, such as golfing and happy hour, and turn them into whimsical works of art to suit just about any occasion! These unique cards will work for a birthday, anniversary or just because! McHanon’s creativity knows no bounds! Children and adults can find a Birds on Things card perfect for their friends and family.There’s something about knowing a card was hand drawn that lets a loved one know how special they are. It also gives them opportunity to frame the miniature work of art and place it somewhere to view for years to come as a reminder of how much you care. When you have the option to send something of quality, why send something that could potentially be discarded? It’s a waste.
When you see a display of high quality greeting cards, you know that you’re in a top-notch store. It takes a discerning eye and a sense of knowing what your customers want to skip the common, mass produced cards and choose beautiful, charming art cards from Birds on Things instead. Only truly special greeting cards will do for the truly special people in your life.
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